The ZArk Imbecile

The futility in "debate" with such people

Somewhere along the line with a flat earther, when you engage in what you expect to be debate, there comes a point when you realise one or more of several things:

1. They are either too stupid to know how stupid they are.
2. They are incapable of seeing reason.
3. They are incapable of changing their mind.
4. They have no understanding about anything.
5. When you totally own their pathetic arguments, they ignore you and repeat their bullshit later on.

For me, one of the worst examples of this is the zArk user on the Icke social forum. Here we have an individual who has had his backside kicked so much he no longer possesses one! This clown thinks he "knows things" that are within the scope of moronic at best and utterly absurd at worst.

So many times has he had simple things explained to him, yet he just continues repeating claims that have been disproven and effectively this becomes lying. Here is one of his latest batshit posts:

To begin with, this illiterate buffoon seems incapable of simple punctuation, such as capital letters, full stops etc. Every statement in his post has been addressed dozens of times, yet he simply repeats them over and over again.

its incredible ... theres photos of a Solar Eclipse and there is no moon there. There is no body causing the 'eclipse'

The Moon has no sufficient light source to illuminate it to visibility and in broad daylight with atmospheric scattering of the Sun it is impossible to see it. There are images online that show the faintest of crescents during the day, but the rest of the Moon itself is not visible. His suggestion that there is "no body" causing the eclipse is so colossally ignorant and ignores the trackable path of the Moon during preceding days, where we can easily see the crescent.


even using your own eyes before , during and after an eclipse the moon goes missing in the sky,


I suppose when a flat earther suggests that his "own eyes" are all the evidence he needs for such a moronic suggestion, then we must consider it! The Moon carries no illumination - new Moon's effectively have the Sun behind them.

stars can be seen through the moon and can be seen through the dark part of the waxing

A lie. His rationale for this idiotic claim is a series of crescent Moon and stars on flags. This one deserves a 10 foot wide palm to the forehead.


a selenelion eclipse has both sun and moon in the sky

Explained by firstly increased elevation of the observer and refraction of both celestial objects. One of his Month long campaigns of stupidity was to suggest a supposed example was impossible, when he failed to identify the observers elevation, location and the video he provided didn't actually show the Sun visible in the sky. 


the moon travels the same direction as the sun across the sky yet the helio model claims its going the other way


This is the kind of thing that 3 year olds at school can understand. The Earth rotates on its axis faster than the Moon orbits.


||||||yes, yes, helio believers will have reasons and excuses but yet the evidence continues to stack up against the helio model, the eclipse theory and the belief that the moon is a solid object

A little more than "reasons" and no "excuses". This imbecile encapsulates everything wrong with conspiracy theorists. He fails at every level to respond to all reasoned debate, labels clear and obvious explanations as excuses and thinks his idiotic, biased observations supersede thousands of years of scientific proof. The level of evidence arm waved away by this internet nobody is insane, as is the number of participants in this impossible centuries old "hoax"!

The "belief  that the moon is a solid object" is a statement that represents quite how stupid this person is. Daily and all around the planet, people in radio clubs bounce radio signals off of the Moon's surface. During the course of the month, the visible size of the Moon 57% of a semi-circle is obvious through libration. Visible too are the changing shadow angles within the craters on the surface, matching exactly with the illumination from the Sun.


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