Some more juicy proof

 Here is a short and by no means concise list:


  • The Sun sets without any size change and that is impossible in itself. The vanishing point is named thus!
  • The Sun's motion through the sky is the same at every angle, location and time. It NEVER varies - 15 degrees of angular distance per hour.
  • On any map of the flat earth, the two tropic circles HAVE to be different circumferences - the Sun HAS to increase speed for the larger one!! It provably does not differ in speed anywhere, any time.
  • There has been not one iota of scientific measurement that corresponds to a flat earth, including sudden speed changes from the Sun.
  • The Moon is inverted in the Southern Hemisphere. 
  • At a range of distances starting with the unfeasible Everest height for the Sun - the horizon is a ridiculous distance away.
  • ANYONE can take an image through a quality telescope of Mars/Jupiter etc. and see them rotating.
  • ANYONE can take an image through a filter and see the Sun rotating.
  • Lunar eclipses occur where the Earth moves across the Sun's path to the Moon.
  • There are so many problems with long haul flight distances on the common flat earth map - it is quite absurd.
  • Australia on the regulation flat earth map is 5,000 miles across!!
  • Star fields rotate in opposite directions by hemisphere.
  • Gravity  - there is no offer of a workable counter explanation.
  • Sea tides.
  • There is no mechanism where the Sun is able to illuminate half a disc. It is an absurd magic spotlight needed to do this.
  • It is impossible for anything including the Sun and Moon to drop below eye level when they are always above it.
  • There are thousands of orbiting satellites. Including the ISS.
  • There are hundreds of thousands of images taken in space over the decades.
  • There is live footage from the ISS. /
  • Amongst the orbiting satellites are 24/7 weather satellites downloading realtime data.
  • Satellite TV dishes receiving data from a point out in space.

This list could go on for pages and pages. Some of the answers given by flat earthers to these are amongst the most absurd things written on the internet.


The closest possible distance the Sun can be to the Earth is a ridiculous Everest height. 


Computing the distance to the Sun on a flat earth when it is 0.001 degrees above the visual horizon and at a ludicrous and provably impossible distance of 5 miles away.....


a= 5 miles

A= 0.001 degrees


Distance to object is 286,000 miles.


 Distance to object 286,479 miles.


Distance to object 286,478.89754 miles.


A bit high don't you think?



Two statements...


  • The Sun, no matter what distance it is away from Earth, changes elevation all over the world during the day.
  • It is simultaneously observed by half the Earth.


The scenarios that follow are used to demonstrate speed variances. The height of the Sun for this purpose is not relevant.....


Point one on the globe is where the Sun is directly above:

Just as an example using 3000 miles and the Sun changing from 15 degrees/30 degrees/45 degrees from zenith(directly overhead) - that is 3 one hour movements everywhere on Earth - proven and irrefutable.

Little a is 3000 Big A is 75 degrees - It has travelled 804 miles from zenith. So average 804 mph.

Little a is 3000 Big A is 60 degrees - It has travelled 1730 miles from zenith. 1730-804 =  926. So average 926 mph now!

Little a is 3000 Big A is 45 degrees - It has travelled 3000 miles from zenith. 3000-1730 = 1270. So average 1270 mph now!


Point two simultaneoulsy on the globe is where the Sun is at 75 degrees to observer at its highest elevation:

Little a is 3000 Big A is 60 degrees - It has travelled 1730 miles from zenith. It began 804 miles away from zenith. So average 926 mph.

Little a is 3000 Big A is 45 degrees - It has travelled 3000 miles from zenith. 3000-1730 = 1270. So average 1270 mph now!

Little a is 3000 Big A is 15 degrees - It has travelled 11,200 miles from zenith. 11200-3000 = 8200. So average 8200 mph average now!


In hour 1 at two different points the Sun is travelling 804 mph and 926 mph at the same time!!

In hour 2 at two different points the Sun is travelling 926 mph and 1270 mph at the same time!!

In hour 3 at two different points the Sun is travelling 1270 mph and 8200 mph at the same time!!


Now BASIC mathematics tells us the Sun MUST be covering that distance, so it is not apparent distance. These are actual figures.


From Sydney to North Pole is 8,560 miles. Though of course any flat earther can simply deny this without offering the real distance saying "I don't know"!! But according to the flat earth map distances from pole to pole are the same as for the globe.


Circumference at Sydney is 53,790 miles. 


Perth 115.8605° E

Sydney 151.2093° E


Difference is 35.35 degrees a tad under 10% of the circumference. 

Sydney to Perth on flat earth map is 5,300 miles rounded down. total straight line distance,to Perth is 2045.2 miles.

Only it it's just over 2000 miles!!! 


Point 3 below proves the Earth is not flat all on its own...


There are three enormous holes in his explanation.

1. The vanishing point. If the Earth really is flat, the vanishing point of the observer's point of view is at the observer's eye height above the ground. If the observer is six feet tall, the vanishing point is six feet above ground level. If the observer is on top of a 10,000 foot mountain, the vanishing point is 10,000 feet above ground level. The video shows the sun BELOW his vanishing point (6pm), something that he himself implies is impossible, then he ignores the fact that his diagram shows exactly that.

2. The apparent diameter of the Sun. If the Earth really is flat, and the sun really is 3,000 miles above the surface and travels parallel to the Earth's surface, then it would appear to get smaller as it got further away from the observer. The difference would be dramatic - at twice the distance, the Sun would be half the apparent size it is overhead. By the time the Sun reached the horizon, it would appear little more than a small spot of bright light.

3. Relative angular velocity of the Sun. The Sun tracks across the sky at a rate of 1° every 4 min (15°/hr). This is an undeniable, observable fact. Taking the starting point as the Sun overhead the observer, if the Sun was travelling at a constant speed on a flat Earth, it would appear to get slower and slower as it approached the horizon. The only way to reconcile this with the ob served facts is for the Sun to accelerate as it approaches the horizon.... and it would never get there because in order to do so, it speed would need to reach infinity.

Then there's the problem of the moon. Everyone on earth sees virtually the same face of the moon at the same time. Two people seeing the moon from opposite sides of the earth at the same time will only see a rotational difference of 1.9° between them. But for the moon to be closer to the earth's surface than 2500 miles, let's say 2490 miles, Then the difference in angle for two observers standing 6000 miles apart would be a whopping 67.5°! From the earth, we'd be able to see most of the moon's surface, rather than slightly over half of it. And the moon would still have the same problems as the sun in regard to angular size.

And there's still the problem of what compass heading people see the sun at from various locations, and the apparent motion of the stars from the southern hemisphere.

Sorry, but the zetetic cosmology is just a gnostic cult for people who can't do basic geometry, but want to think they're among the world's cleverest thinkers.


The flat earther casually shoots himself in the foot. Notice how the Sun is now about a quarter the size and in terms of its proximity to the artificial horizon it's about halfway from when it started. Notice also all the garbage he left up because he knows full well it never goes lower than the worktop. It is impossible.




To really hammer this home, the sizes of the Sun projected onto his false horizon show the vanishing point on a flat Earth - looks to be on the small side. QED.




The angular velocity of the Sun anywhere on Earth is measurably the same - 15 degrees of arc per hour. This is impossible on a flat Earth with the variable distances claimed from observer to the Sun.


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